Payroll Services

Streamline your entire workers’ compensation data management process.

Managing payroll services and tracking workers’ compensation while maintaining compliance can be challenging for any business. It’s time to take your payroll and financial management to the next level. Now, you can pay workers’ compensation premiums automatically each payday with our Pay As You Go service, brought to you by AWS Insurance, powered by APS.

How it Works

Workers' Comp code setup during implementation

Run Payroll

Payroll partner sends the data report to AmTrust every payroll run

AmTrust receives data report & sends notification of withdrawal

Amtrust withdraws the premiums

Premiums received. See statements online

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With the Pay As You Go solution, you can streamline your entire workers’ compensation data management process. Through the AWS and APS partnership, we provide automated integration with AmTrust, the nation’s 3rd largest provider of workers compensation insurance. With the Pay As You Go solution, you can:

  • Establish more effective and efficient data workflows to satisfy ever-changing regulatory reporting demands.
  • Simplify the complex, resource-intensive, and time-consuming burden of reporting data in various formats at different times to a host of organizations. This includes statistical agents, rating organizations, regulators, and industrial accident boards.
  • Lower the risk of fines, surcharges, cancellations, or a surprise annual audit.
  • Securely house and report on your workers’ compensation data for more transparent business analysis and better decision-making.

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About APS

APS brings innovation and scalability to modern human capital management. We believe that our clients, their employees, and our partners deserve the best, easy-to-use human capital management platform delivered with personalized service and support. We build our unified technology from the ground up, focusing on usability, efficiency, and adoption. APS understands the challenges organizations face, which is why we crafted a full spectrum of cloud solutions that address all aspects of employee management.

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