Marine Insurance in Southern Louisiana

Commercial Marine & Longshore Insurance

Here in Louisiana, the maritime industry accounts for nearly 20% of all jobs. At AWS, we know that protecting your boat, employees, equipment, and cargo is vital to the overall success of your business. This is why we offer Commercial Marine & Longshore Insurance for Louisiana business owners.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, you need Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation insurance if you employ traditional maritime employees, such as:

  • Longshore workers
  • Ship-repairers
  • Shipbuilders
  • Ship-breakers
  • Harbor construction workers (only if they are working on navigable U.S. waters or piers, docks, terminals, wharves, etc.)


Commercial Hull Insurance in Louisiana

Commercial Hull Insurance covers your vessel in the event of damage due to fire or explosion. Also, it covers damage to machinery and other equipment installed on the vessel, as well as collision liability.

AWS can provide Hull Insurance for the following:

  • Tugboats
  • Pushboats
  • Commercial fishing vessels
  • Ferries
  • Barges
  • Research vessels


Protection & Indemnity Insurance in Louisiana

Protection & Indemnity typically accompanies hull insurance, but also protects vessel owners in the following situations:

  • Personal injury
  • Loss of life
  • Third-party damage

AWS can provide you access to the top carriers for Commercial Marine & Longshore Insurance.  

Contact one of our Marine Insurance professionals today. AWS is located in Metairie and serves New Orleans, Mandeville, Lafayette, Cut Off, Galliano, Houma, and surrounding areas.


Frank “Buster” Seeling IV, Graduated from the University of Mississippi with a B.A. in Insurance Risk Management and a minor in Marketing.  He is also a graduate of Archbishop Rummel High School as well as the National Alliance School of Producer Development.  Buster began his insurance career with Brown & Brown as part of a Quality Control Analyst team.  He joined AWS in January 2005 and is currently working towards his Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation.

Account Executive

Jarrod Jemison, Attended Louisiana State University before working with State Farm Insurance Company for two years. He joined the AWS team in June 2008 and has since graduated from the National Alliance Producer/Insurance school, and is currently working towards his Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) Designations.

Insurance Coverages & Terminology

Marine Insurance Coverages/Terminology

This is a general guide only, individual circumstances and policy forms vary.

Bareboat Charter
The charter of a vessel without captain/crew.

Blue Water Vessel
One that sails outside the U.S., typically ocean-going or to/from the Caribbean.

Brown Water Vessel
A vessel, most typically a tug/barge, that operates in the river system or coastal U.S.

See umbrella.

Collision Liability
Liability for physical damage to another vessel you might hit. Typically included in the hull policy up to the limit of that hull policy.

 DBA – Defense Base Act
A federal workers compensation program for private workers on a U.S. Defense base. It is usually required by contract and is most frequently covered as part of an international policy.

 DOHSA – Death on the High Seas Act
Available to seaman and non-seaman, a tort-based action for anyone who is killed upon the high seas beyond U.S. territorial water.

See Umbrella.

Physical damage to your own vessel.

Jones Act
The Merchant Marine Act of 1920, allows seamen a remedy to sue their employer for negligence in the event of injury or illness incurred in service of the vessel.

LOLL – Landing Owners Legal Liability
The inland version of Wharfingers Legal Liability. See below.

M&C – Maintenance & Cure
An absolute, “no-fault” liability to seamen (captain and crew). Maintenance is living expenses, Cure is medical expenses incurred until maximum medical improvement.

Marine Umbrella
See Umbrella.

MEL – Maritime Employers Liability
A method of insuring an employer’s liability under Admiralty law (Jones Act, Maintenance & Cure etc.) to his employees. It provides similar coverage for employers as contained in a P&I policy. It does not cover Longshore or any third-party liabilities.

MGL – Marine General Liability
Similar to a normal general liability policy, it is something adapted to expand or eliminate the watercraft exclusion. Typically includes products/complete operations and all usual CGL coverages. It is often based on older versions of CGL forms.

OCSLA – Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
A federal workers compensation act which allows fixed platform workers on the Outer Continental Shelf access to the Longshore Act.

ORVA – Oceanographic Research Vessel Act
Allows scientists on officially classed research vessels access to the same benefits as seamen, without having to qualify under the Jones Act or sign seaman’s papers.

P&I – Protection and Indemnity
The marine equivalent of Automobile Liability, it covers the liability of a boat owner for bodily injury and property damage. It may include or exclude liability to captain or crew.

Srll – Ship Repairers Legal Liability
Physical damage to vessels, their cargo, and equipment in your care custody and control for the purpose of being repaired, or serviced.

StLL – Stevedores Legal Liability
Liability for cargo being loaded or unloaded from a vessel and damage to a vessel. Usually written with Terminal Operators Legal Liability in a combined form.

TLL – Terminal Operators Legal Liability
Liability for cargo in your care custody and control at a terminal prior to loading or after discharge from a vessel. Most commonly written in combination with Stevedores Legal Liability.

Towers Liability
Liability to a vessel and its cargo that you are towing or pushing.

Or marine umbrella. A combined excess policy. Sometimes has a drop-down provision. May or may not be excess over EL, Automobile or other non-marine policies. Wordings vary greatly.

Longshoreman’s and Harbor Workers Compensation Act. (Actually should be LHWCA). It is a federal workers compensation program designed predominately for “dockside” workers.

Wet Charter
The charter of a vessel with a captain/crew.

WhLL – Wharfingers Legal Liability
The marine version of “garage keepers legal liability.” Covers damage to vessels and their cargo which is in the insured’s care custody and control for storage, mooring, docking etc. Usually specifically excludes any repair work.

AWS Insurance

Call Us Today 1-800-375-5563
New Orleans 504-883-4111

4501 W. Napoleon Ave. Suite 200
Metairie, LA 70001

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