Similar to having car insurance to protect your automobile and yourself from the cost of repairs and liability, you also need to have boat insurance to protect your boat and yourself from liability. A great boat insurance policy will cover you for most of the risks associated with owning and operating a boat such as liability claims as a result of someone being injured while on your boat or in the event a collision occurs, injury, and protection of your assets.
Choosing a good Louisiana boat insurance policy can be overwhelming with so many providers out there (State Farm, Progressive, etc.), but at AWS Insurance, our esteemed professionals will work with you to find a boat insurance policy that works for you and meets your budget.
There are many different coverage options to choose from when finding the right boat insurance for you. General coverage options for risks include protection from the following:
In addition to the protection from the risks associated of being out on the boat, there are also coverages to your property assets. Typical coverages include some of the following:
Contact AWS Insurance today for a free consultation about our coverage policies and what we can do for your needs. When it comes to purchasing Louisiana boat insurance, AWS has you covered!
AWS Insurance serves New Orleans, Metairie, Kenner, and Southern Louisiana by providing protection for your home, business, or family with affordable plans in property insurance, liability insurance, life insurance, car insurance, and flood insurance from our Metairie, LA office. Our corporate clients can rest assured that our dedicated advisers at AWS Risk Management, LLC will help you implement workable solutions that achieve maximum asset protection with minimal cost of risk to your company.